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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  January 23, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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makks sure all family members - ... innluding the dogs... can come to visit paaients. p presbyteriin saant lukes medical center has tte pooicy in place.. and it's been that way for more than sixteen years. there are rules about briiging your pupp o the you have to have a vet check your dog and get the pppropriate vaccinations. p the animal needs to be &pbaahed 24 hours prior to the visit. and you need o clean up ny messes. p3 &p3 it's an inveetigation .../ you.... saww.. irrt on fox,... major... speed camera... errors... lead.... to... false tickets... for... maayland drivers...//. edition,.../ i'm jeff barn. and i'm jjnnifer gilbert. as peff abell explains, the ity has stopped issuing tickets uncovered. the major problems - maryland'' gasoline tax has not been increasedin morr than &p20-years. still eeploringoptionn to aree -
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boost revenue for transporratiinprojeccs. ootions to boost stilllor - exploringlawmakers arr but more than 20-increased noo been gasoline tax hhs maryland'ss maryland's gasoline tax has 20-yeers.increasedin more than pears.but state lawmakees are still exploringoptions to boost revvnueefor trannportationnrrjjcts.senate
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like to see baltimore city,, anne arundel andbbltimore counties have the authorrtyto raise local property taaes...and use themoney exclusively for mass transit. bbt he also waats to phase in (millerr "everyone would pay a modest gas tax, aathree percent sales tax tackkd on at the wholesale level and that would raise $300 million and &pthat could be uued for oads " state."so word from the governor onany proposals to raise the gas tax orsales tax tooboost transportationn funning. one man... is killed.../ anotter injured.... shootinn... in... southeast &pbaltimmre . .we... were... on the scene... roundd9-30... laat night...//..police.... ssy... the... two &pmen... were walkinn... on... they were apprrachhd... by a suspect... who pulled a &pgun...//.one... head... and died../ . the... second vvctim... was the chest... and... is expeeted to have been made. arresss... - police have charged west
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baltimore restaurant owner -wi. club.police say the owner ras-a-ter as been ccarged establishmmnt as n iileggl bar, filling thh place past it's capacityy..and nnt having a ecurity firm.januarr and killed outsiie the people have been shot outside - the ccub.tonight...rhodes family want the club shut down: "happeninn over and over no police protection" protection" we ade ssveral ttempts to unable to reaah him. 33 new... developments..../ in.... a... ssendiig... controversy... you... saa first on foo. 3 state... prosecutors... issued... ssbpeonas... seeking... recordd... from... a... formee... city employee.../ damien... sharpe...///
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who... also worked... contractor... allee... "digicon"...// at the center ... of... conroversy.../ pprchase... of... phone equipmmntt ... by... the... mayor's office..../ that.... led... to... an inneetigation... by... the... city... inspector... geneeal..../ &p....onflicts of nterest... and... waste....// and... today .../ the probe... is... now the hands... of... state prrsecutors.../ investigating... corruption 11:30:25"i had a repoot f &psuch a communication like 3 months agoo. we have nottbeen asked to reach dammne sharpe sooi don't have an answwr for y" you." phone.../ he... . peclined to comment. join... our wwste watch. iff.. you see government waste.. call... our hotline.. 410-662-1446. r... &pp gg to fox-ballimmr dot com..../// we... exclusive.... waste - watch ....epoots....// there,.../ ccecc out... d-a... ii... spending... your tax dollars... to eecouragee.. rrsky lifestyles. testimonnyheatt up at the anne arundel county executive's trial on misconduct charges. ttree
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offiiers from john leopold's orddred them to pick up campaign checks and check campaign signs. thhy aaso say &pthey drove him to a bowling pould meet his girlfriend. afterrards, they say leooold described the encountee as, 'great sex'. " think he is a slime baal. but i dont know if hess criminal, that will be up tt judge sweenee to determine that" that.. the trial as drawn a pumber of spectatorr,including that man, who are curious about the deeails urrrunding the allegations against leopold. eopold's ddfense is nothing 'illegal' occurred. another... morning... f... jjry &ptrial... for... michael... johnson... / the... mann.. accused of killing ...nortt carolina barnes. johnson... 3 barnes'.... deceeber teen... was visiting... her... baltimore...///.. johnson... dated... phylicia's sister.../. until... johhson... was... moving out... wwen phylicia... weet missing...//. outside...
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the courthouse ... a... few... monthh ago...// johnson's... atttrney... had... an... alibi... for after proseeutors.... said... johnsoon.. was the... hours... áafterá... - (p-michael johnson bail plient.... he was wth his new . friend. that friend... will the ase...///. y.... in - 3 a winter blast hhs baltimore n it's grip. grip.. karee parkssis live tonight in northwesttbaltimore with how folks are dealing with the frigid tempp.... ttmps.... let me say.....its not easy...... 3 temperaauressarr below freezinggagain tonight.....but publii transportation.....hicc means standing at theebus stop for severall miiutes.....waiiing for a ride.....some were shock t
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theecold temps.....others were . prepared.... (39:53)the weather is cold is it......iie cold...(42::4)i wore my cat i put jaccet unner here i got my boots on somm tights onnunder here here 3 33 that... freezing... cold air... is... going to hang arounn ...for a few moreed. days. but we could alsooget some snow to go with this let's go tt chhef meteooologist vytas reid for llok at what's happening now.
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3 a bad daa for one worker in gaithersburg. &pgaithersburg. this man was plucked off of a cell phone ower round noon today. he as stuck 200 feet above thh ground whee the weather lead to mmld hypothermia. the
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worker started to cramp up and cclled 911 when he couldn't move. luckily onn of his coworkers wws able to pull hhm off the tower. 3 really... bad dda.../ as... freezing tempeeaturess.. urned fire... ice.a warehouse in chicago... ps... en-caseddin ce.../ . after firefighters... battled a massive blazz... in freezing took... more than... 170 firefighters several hours... to put ut the flames../ . all... the wattr they sprayed... is nnw frozen...//. the... cold weatter ...madd it difficull... on deal wwth... frozen hydrants ...and... icce.. from tte.... hoses...//.authorities....are wooried ... parts of the building ...could collaase ...under the eight of the ice. . a bbd day for the frozen nor. north. 3 p that's what is happening to boiling water in minnesota. the sub zero ttmperatures turn even booling wwter into a cloud of small ice crystals as soon as the
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wattr hits the air. temperatures reached ten below zero ithoottthe windchill. he's... a... ravens... season ticket... holder. hhller.....and an elemmntary custodian. 3 3&pbut, thh kids at oak 33 3 he''.... a... ravens... season ticket... hold. pchool custodian. 3 but, the kids at oak ill elemmntary choollin severna park know him simply as biggest ravens fan they know. mike duvall aalays wears his ravens jerseys tooschool.... ...paintt his face.......nd, even holds mini ravensspep rallys during llnch. mike duvall, oak hill 2 eet up and they respect me. thht's the way it should be." deneen houghton, oak hill principal: t 1.04.32 i think phat it's because tth kids go they talk about r. mike aad what mr. mike did." did."mike's principall.. rom whom you just heard... is alss a big ravens fan..he actuully
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hhs tickets to the suppr bowl. &p a robbery solved as soon a it happened. the glaring piece ssraight to these crash and grab criminals. a eaacer's job on the line overrffcebbok. the tape that she says ere just a joke. republicans gaanna major viitory in the debt ceilingg debate. the strategy thht could actually cut off congressional paychecks.
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house republicanss extensioo ttday -- with the threaa of a salary cutoff for lawmakers -- tied to the passinn of a budget. explains the move that was parttlegislation and part lever. leverage. house republicaas mooed to avert showdown with the president ovee the debt support. nat sott"oo this vote
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the yays aae 285, the nays are 44." the measure requires the house & senate &pby pril 15th to each pass aa chamber fail - its members' es the fedeeal debt limit until may 19th - aa which point it wwthout offfsetting spending cuts. boehner says "the it says here should e no e, - long term increase in the debt term plan to deal with the fiscal crrsis that faces or countrr" house no budget o pay ill as &prepubliian attempt to ransom member salaries unttl the gop can streegthennits barggining looming lattr in the year. van hollen says thissis a political effort simply to incrrase their negotiating strategy, leverage, threee months from ow at the expeese offjobs and the economy."
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unworthy of the fiscal and ecooomiccchallenges that we face. ittdoes not have certainny it doesn't have growth and it doesn't have my support" 33 hoose conservatives broke rrnks with gop leaders & voted against the bill as nsufficiently democraas voted or it afttr indicated ttice it would not object to the easure because it -- quott liffs theeimmeeiate threat of congressional republicaan have backed oof an insiittnce on holding the nation's economy hostage carney sayy "the house republicans made a decision to back away frrm the kind of brinksmanship that waas mmrkkts, very concernnng to business, very ccncerninggto the american people." while house republicaan ave passsd budgets during thee obama era, thh democrat-controlled senate has not. buu evee bill passse the house, pemocrats in the senate agreed to vote on it, too. rrid says "weere going to proceed to work get it out of here as quickly as we can." cameron says "deeocrats say they won this round because the debt ceiling will go up in may ithout spending cuts. repubbicans counter that ggttinn senate democrats to agree to a
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bbdget by april mans for the may be able to show some degree of fiscal discipline.. in washington, carr camerrn, fox neww." 3 3 3 a ccimeesolved as soon as it happened. the
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as they ripped a lotttrr machine out of this ssore. 3 a teacher could be fired oer duct tape and facebook. the claasroom joke that could end her career. 3 33 33 3 3 3 common sense
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[ male announcer #1 ] verizon fios is the fastest internet in america. just ask pc mag. [ male announcer #2 ] cable can't touch fios upload speeds. it's hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. there's no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer #1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. upgrade now and get fios internet, tv and phone for a great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement. plus $300 back. don't miss this last chance. our 100% fiber-optic network can deliver america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet -- with no caps on usage. switch now with this great price online... just $89.99 a month with a two-year agreement -- plus, get $300 back. or get this great price with no annual contract. last chance, this deal ends february 2. visit that's once you've got fios, you get it. and according to pc mag...
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[ male announcer #2 ] if it's available, you should get it.
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and according to pc mag... says in today's woold facebook picture can get you i. fired.
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"do thii one, stupid mistake years of aal the good i've done? abbolutely not." caarns, a teacher in kron, ohio. she'sssuspended without pay after posting a photo of duct tape over their mouths. finally found a way to get board is moving to fire cairns,, but she says she only ttok picttre of something her students did oo thhir oww. school boaad's decision. 33 these next riminal malcontents simply lack all common sense. sense. three men deciddd to crash their truck through the to steal a video poker machine. &p the half-cooked plln is going well as the truck exxlodes through the wall. cell phone one of thhm dropped - men have been arrested and hree charged. 3 common senss says it's never to late for a change of heart,
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except in the middleeof an this papa john's in montana. - as the clerkkwas giving him down sobbing ann dropped his knife. he said he was ooly doinn it tt feed his wiff and kkds. rather han call police, thh wwrkerrtalkee to him and made him a pizzz and chicken wings to take home. police arrived after the man what exactly they'll charge ( the dead girlfriend hoax gets weirder. the reeson &pphe lie going. 3
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hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary."
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at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. nntre daae star linebacker manti te'o admits to lling affer finding out she didn't ex. aa... interview with... katie cooric,... set to air... sayss.. he learned of the hoax ...ii december... / -wh claiming to be his dead kekua....//.the... heisman trophy runner-up... maintaans... hh had no part... in creating the hoax..../ bbt... feet... he had to conninue ...tte ruse... following days.... te'o is entering tte nfl draft and will find out if this controversy hurt his tock in a chance of snow heading into the weekend. let's go to vytas for a look at the
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extended forecast. &p( p, john harbaugh is in awe of pyu, the fans...hher hiss tribute to purple pride,,next, 3 3 & that's all for the late
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edition, i'm jefffbarnd. barnd. and 'm ennifer gilbert. spoots uulimited.
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unlimited. 3 33 when baltimore wws seeking n nfl expansion francciieback in the early '90's, much was said about the qualltyof life a teem would yyu see all tte purple all over town, you see hhathat meant...everybody s on the same page foo a couple weeks...and that is ppiceless.. priceless.. the bood between the ravens and theirrfans is obviouslya stronggooe...especially so now thaa the team is making a championship foxborough sunday, the shouting f o duuing the nationalanthee coold be clearly heard, as well as the ravens chantthat has become so fammllar..john harraugg heard he wants you to 3
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the rothers harbbugh took similar outes toget to the super bowl...both john and jim...and their teams...had to be come from &pbehind...and toodo it on the road..and as far assthe ravens go, it's the ay theygot to &pthe super bowl that matters most. 3 p, meanwhhle...the nfl has finee patriots quarterback tom bradd for this play in sunday night's afccchampionship a safeey slide,
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brady kicked ed reed..he's out 10-ttousand the waa...ii a raaio interview, did call himafterward....nn y - offered an apology for the herr's a niceelittle nugget ..- from the did youuknow file... ray lewis has 41 and a half sacks in his career, bbt did youknow the first oneewas on jim harbbagh?it's true...the ravvns eee playing he colts in indianapooisin their inugaural season off1996, and was he 6th game of lewis' ccreer...he was 20, harbaagh was33.... day to towson university..a ew year ago,,they mmght've been the worst team nthe country, as evidenced by their 1-31 record..this year, they're 10-10 and feeling a little frisky..they hossed george tonight.. and the igers were looking tuff early...chris walden &pcan't hit, buut arcus demmis rips down therebound and goess back to walden who gets the down by one...but ason is - tuff....corey edwarrsto byron
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allen..check out that effort...mason lee 41-34 at thh break...2nd half...and tte &ptigers re hanging tuuf..rafriel guthriue goes to hissight aad justtsticks that conested three...towson closed just too tuff...check out the defense at thh towson wriggt for the breekaway...towson battless, but falls 77-67...towdon now 10-11 omm the season that'll do it for this edition for jjining us.i'm bc... .ks &pgoodnight
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